27 Dec The Holiday Card: Your Biggest End Of Year Branding Opportunity
As every fall gives way to winter, companies everywhere start thinking about one thing: What the hell are we going to do for our holiday card this year? We hear it from colleagues and clients alike. Holiday cards may seem like small potatoes, but in the advertising world, and the business world at large, they’re kind of a big deal.
Every company approaches them differently. Some hate them. Some love them. Some half ass them, and everything in between. But no matter the approach, it remains true that holiday cards are a big branding opportunity. They allow agencies to connect with clients (sometimes even prospects), show off some personality and holiday spirit, and make one final statement heading into the next calendar year. At Say It Loud! we’ve always tried to treat our agency holiday cards as seriously as we would a client’s. Back in the day, the success of a holiday card project helped us secure long-term business with a client, so we always keep that anecdote in mind when brainstorming concepts for each year’s card.
This year, we wanted our card design and the matching gifts to reflect our values as an agency and have a cool, eco-friendly twist. The environment is important to us, especially our local ecosystems, so we made a donation on each clients’ behalf to Ocean Conservancy, a non-profit working to protect Florida’s Oceans and marine wildlife from pollution and chose a color scheme that paired well with our charity of choice. We also included reusable metal straws from Corkcicle, an Orlando based company, our recipients could use in lieu of single use plastics. And last but not least, we printed the card on plantable seed paper. Instead of throwing the card away or sticking it on the fridge, a little water, dirt, and sunshine can turn our holiday card into beautiful flowers. No wasted paper.
Whether you’re going for something traditional or outside the norm for your holiday card, put yourself and a little creativity into it you can’t go wrong. Happy holidays from everyone at Say It Loud!
Love Loud. Live Loud. Give Loud.

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